

Uni­fied Mea­sure­ment Facil­i­ty, by hlorus: FreeCAD cur­rent­ly has sev­er­al ways of mea­sur­ing objects, caus­ing con­fu­sion for users and mak­ing the learn­ing curve steep­er.The project involves com­mu­ni­ty inter­ac­tion to research solu­tions and then upgrade the entire sys­tem to new software. The cur­rent sys­tem is at con­stant risk of los­ing data due to the Medi­aWi­ki soft­ware used to sup­port it.


  • Upgrade the doc­u­men­ta­tion sys­tem, by Gau­ri Mahesh­wari: The project aims to migrate the FreeCAD doc­u­men­ta­tion sys­tem to a file-based, ver­sioned sys­tem based on Git and Mark­down so that it sup­ports mul­ti­ple lan­guages for users glob­al­ly and allows switch­ing between offline and online ver­sions.
  • UI tool for fetch­ing online con­tent, by Amulya Par­i­tosh: A library man­age­ment add-on for man­ag­ing Dif­fer­ent online-offline FreeCAD com­po­nents is a util­i­ty appli­ca­tion for FreeCAD which allows an easy and struc­tured man­age­ment of components/models avail­able online or offline and to eas­i­ly be insert­ed into the FreeCAD document.
  • The four projects that will hap­pen this sum­mer are: The cho­sen projects of Google Sum­mer of Code have just been announced, and we are excit­ed to announce that, although it is the first time FreeCAD is par­tic­i­pat­ing on its own to the pro­gram, we have been award­ed no less than 4 slots this year!
